Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Learn to say “No!” just not to your mother.

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me reading this alone from the restaurant reservation i refused to cancel because one day im not going to be able to go to dinner alone on friday at 5 PM

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Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

oh this is the 24/7 mood, so so grateful to live a life so full, but so so tired

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Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

as someone who also has the yes disease- you can always say no to me 🫶🏻

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Sep 14Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Oh how I resonated with this. I literally had covid all week, back to back lectures and labs, exams this Monday I’ve been studying for, interviews, gahh the list continues. I also have been terrible about making subscribers pay for my writing. Why are we like this.

Love your letters. Love you. You (we) deserve to say no and know our worth 🤎

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LOVE YOU !!!!!

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Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

it’s just like the front bottoms said. all i want is to want nothing

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no exactly i told sam about the lyric u sent me i love it so much

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Sep 14Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Angelina please say no😭I promise it will be okay

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hahahahaha i know !!!!! this is a dramatized lament <3 thank you everything is like way more than okay xoxoxox

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Sep 14Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Love your writing, thank you for making it free. Life should not be about work, and yet somehow it is

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Sep 14Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

loved this!!

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thank you !!!!

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Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Those LinkedIn messages are cursed

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and thank you for giving me the definition

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you kind of inspired this when you asked what it meant

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Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

i cant wait to tell our bosses how much we use “eat the frog” in our day to day life

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no literally

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Sep 13Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Grocery delivery services have saved my life. Perhaps they can make yours easier.

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wait no wegmans at 7:30 am is actually my happy place i meant to say that

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love this so much

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I couldn't resonate with this more - I feel like coming back from summer has felt amazing but also so overwhelming to the fact that I could cry. I, too, was chatting with my dad about this and how I am OBLIGATED to say yes to things because I love my friends and I can't imagine not saying yes. But does it really matter? I need to re-evaluate. My friends don't love me because I come to every event and am a "yes" person - there is so much more to our friendships. Sometimes I dream of moving to a town where it's hard to travel from and I only have a couple of friends. But then would I be lonely? WHAT IS THE HAPPY MEDIUM?!

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I get this so much. When I opened up this to read my bf looked over and went, "What's happening there?" And I quickly had to tell him, "She isn't eating the frog literally!" Learned a new definition today.

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