Eeekk, now I want a sequel newsletter on Sidewalk Reader 🫣 I’m invested!

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Jun 7Liked by Angelina Hazzouri


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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

The most giggly read I’ve had in ages!! I love this!

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i giggled while writing it so i'm glad you giggled while reading it

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Loved reading this. As an absolute introvert talking to strangers takes a lot for me. But I fully agree that talking to strangers can lead to really amazing things.

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totally :) thank you for reading!!!

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Warmed my heart and had me feeling warm and fussy until I got to the asterisk at the end. Then I literally laughed out loud.

For the record, the gentleman that sat next to me on the plane hadn’t read your article and started the conversation first.

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I’m going to try this one day!! Dining alone reading a book - what a concept!

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you can do it!!!

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

this is perfect. i’ve had some pretty special interactions and super interesting conversations with strangers in my neighbourhood recently too and this articulated so perfectly why they’re so special!! literally restores your faith in humanity

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i love that, i think those interactions are sooo important. thank you for reading!!

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one of my favourite things I've read in a while! i love going on my solo trips and when i do discuss these trips and how i am a repeat visitor to cities that i now have a stranger now-turned-friend in, i always tell my loved ones about the wonder of speaking to stranger. of course, not to say we turn a blind eye to danger and do this carelessly, i do think that the more you do it, the more you're able to learn to trust your gut when it comes to reading people.

this was a fantastic read, i'm looking forward to more like this. talk to strangers! x

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thank you so much for reading!! i totally agree, trust your gut and you'll come across the right kinds of strangers :) xx

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

This is my favourite article I've read in so long on here, it's restored my faith in humanity! If you need me, I'll be sat reading in public...

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YES!!! thank you for reading :)

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Jun 7Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

I’m obsessed. J moved to a new city and FULLY intend to dine alone w a book, at the ready to talk to strangers ✨

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Jun 16Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Omg i just finished reading this and i literally had a 'should i talk to that stranger' moment 4 days ago!! And i had a good opportunity because i noticed that he was looking for a table with a power outlet but all of them were taken, and i could've offered my table but I didn't because I was a coward 😀 and then he got the table eventually and his friend arrived so.. But today, i actually did talk to a stranger, though only for a short while. It was at the same cafe, she and her guy friend were talking about getting ice cream and i told her she could get it for free if she wrote a google review. Reading ur essay makes me want to do it more often, esp since i almost never do it

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that counts!!!! do ittt

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Jun 9Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Now I’m invested in what happens next…

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

I love love love this. Dining alone with a book is such an elite night… thought it’s never resulted in a personal Sidewalk Reader for me. Love the beautiful ways we meet people!

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

i’m very bad at talking to strangers and usually put in headphones and delve into my own world in public but this has encouraged me to attempt to change my habits and invite something new and potentially life changing into my world! hoping to actually implement this soon !!

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omg this makes me so happy to hear :') do it !!!!

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Jun 8Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

i have a fantasy scenario i return to every so often which is very much this concept, so reading this was like having it pulled out of my thoughts, incredible

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i loooove this comment, thank you for reading <3

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Loved reading this, I definitely now feel inspired to speak to strangers.

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Jun 19Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

I always loved talking to people on planes. Now I try to keep my mouth shut and wait for them to talk to me 🫶🏽 RIP

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