May 31Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

less plans more lying in the grass

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

this was such a joyous read! i could FEEL the excitement for summer and LIFE coming off the page :D im excited now too!!!!

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Literally could feellll the feeling of summer. One of the best feelings from childhood and I am happy that it is still there!!

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Jun 4Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

I also had the epiphany that I could do what I want so I texted my hair stylist what she’d do if I let her do anything and now I have an appointment to color block my hair— I guess this is more what my hair stylist wants to do but the spirit is there. HAGS!

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yessssss i love it!!! HAGS<3

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But you still decided to even bring the idea up, to me, that sounds like doing whatever YOU want ;)

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that is a great point!!

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May 31Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

loved this! I feel like summer brings out the kid in everyone

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Because when everything else is making you grow up, it is so important to hold on to the things that still make you feel youthful!

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Jun 20Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Love this! I'm also a girlie with a summer bucket list tucked away in my Notes app. Not brave enough for a Carrie-style trapeze class yet, but I did manage to knock kayaking off my list yesterday! Here’s to checking off more adventures and making this summer unforgettable. 🌞🚣‍♀️✨

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YES !!!!! love to hear it!

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Jun 5Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

haven’t made a summer bucket list since high school but you’ve inspired me to make one this year! why did i feel like i had to stop just because i got older?? also have never been to the met cloisters so that will definitelyyy be on my list

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no it makes summer 100x more fun - excited for you

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Bucket lists luckily have no age, like most things but we tend to attach one to it anyway. I am glad you are deciding to do it!! Fun!

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May 31Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

HAGS! ❤️

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HAGS !!!!!!!!!! <3

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May 31Liked by Angelina Hazzouri


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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Angelina Hazzouri

Yes yes yes to summer! Have fun, literally do whatever. This is the first summer in my 20's, I am doing whatever I want.

Great read!

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Jun 17Liked by Angelina Hazzouri


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